TGEU Releases ‘Trans & Poverty’: Report on Poverty and Economic Insecurity

TGEU launched its report, Trans & Poverty: Poverty and Economic Insecurity in Trans Communities in the EU. The report describes in detail the economic challenges faced by trans communities in the European Union (EU) and makes clear policy recommendations to key stakeholders to bring about meaningful change for trans people.
Main findings
Due to systemic inequalities, trans people and particularly trans women, trans Black people and people of colour, trans sex workers, undocumented trans migrants, trans asylum seekers and refugees, trans youth, and trans people with disabilities face extreme discrimination in the EU. This affects their ability to complete formal education, find and remain in stable employment, and avoid poverty and homelessness.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and further exacerbated these structural inequalities.
Why this ‘Trans & Poverty’ report?
With this report, TGEU adds to the growing body of research into the socio-economic inequalities experienced by trans people and what is needed to address these inequalities.
What can I find in it?
The report describes the exact impacts of different types of discrimination against trans people in a clear and accessible way, for example:
“Trans people face high rates of discrimination, harassment, and violence when searching for employment or while being employed, and thus have limited options for gaining long term and secure jobs. As a consequence, unemployment is common among trans communities.”
In addition, the report has links to key publications about trans people and their socio-economic rights; information about relevant EU strategies and frameworks; an overview of recent EU-level policy measures aimed at improving the economic situation of trans communities; an example of strategies for civil society organisations to address poverty among trans people; and key recommendations to the European Commission and EU Member States.
Recommendations to the European Commission
Based on the findings of the report, TGEU calls on the European Commission to:
1. Provide legal protection against discrimination under EU law on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression
2. Support community-led research that investigates the specific experiences of trans people, including the most marginalised groups
3. Dedicate funding to strengthen trans people’s socio-economic position
4. Encourage Member States to ensure quick, accessible, and transparent legal gender recognition procedures based solely on self-determination
5. Apply an intersectional approach in all efforts aimed to combat poverty
We hope that this report will help policymakers and other stakeholders understand the reality of the socio-economic situation for trans people in the EU and be used to inform policy that makes a difference in trans people’s lives.